has published the 2010 Most Popular Atrial Fibrillation News Stories and Videos List. Stroke prevention topped the list and included stories about warfarin (Coumadin) and alternatives such as dabigatran (Pradaxa) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto). Other popular topics included the new European atrial fibrillation guidelines, new antiarrhythmic medications, updates on catheter ablation and afib surgery, and …
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Medtronic Arctic Front® Cardiac CryoAblation Catheter system for the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. This is the first cryo (freezing) catheter ablation system to receive approval in the US. Approval was based on the results of the STOP AF (Sustained Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation) …
In this video, Dr. Edgerton consults with an afib patient and caregiver about such atrial fibrillation treatment options as medication, cardioversion, catheter ablation, Cox maze surgery, and the minimally invasive (mini maze) surgical procedure. Watch the video at: Dr. James R. Edgerton Discusses Treatment Options with an Atrial Fibrillation Patient and Caregiver - Video
In this video, Dr. Douglas L. Packer of the Mayo Clinic provides details about the landmark CABANA Trial comparing Catheter Ablation to Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Atrial Fibrillation. Dr. Packer is the Lead Investigator for the CABANA Trial. Watch the video, and learn more, at: Dr. Douglas L. Packer on the CABANA Trial comparing Catheter Ablation to … founder Mellanie True Hills with daytime TV star Susan Lucci and her husband Helmut Huber announcing Facing AFib partnership is proud to participate in the Facing AFib program, which features daytime TV star Susan Lucci and her husband Helmut Huber. More than a decade ago, Huber was diagnosed with afib. Lucci and Huber …
Daytime TV star Susan Lucci and husband Helmut Huber discuss living with atrial fibrillation with founder Mellanie True Hills in a new video released as part of the Facing AFib™ program to encourage getting serious about atrial fibrillation and stroke.
By Mellanie True Hills I just got home from a one-week multi-city trip and have so much catching up to do. But with the furor over the new airport security screening procedures that have just gone into effect in the US, I have some thoughts that I simply must share before my head explodes. This …
In late breaking clinical trials presented today at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, results of the ROCKET AF trial indicated that in an atrial fibrillation patient population that was at a very high risk of stroke, rivaroxaban (Xarelto) was as good as warfarin at preventing strokes. Learn more at: Rivaroxaban comparable to warfarin in …
The atrial fibrillation patient community is invited to try out myLifeLog, an application just for tracking afib patient experiences. After entering your medical information, you can share it with your healthcare providers—either online or printed—and continue to update it from appointment to appointment. Learn more at: New Tool Lets You Track Your Atrial Fibrillation Patient …
Check out the latest content at, including: Profile of Jason Mattingly, a young atrial fibrillation patient who is now afib free due to catheter ablation Updated information about The latest at the StopAfib Discussion Forum Learn more at: Announces Atrial Fibrillation Patient Profile of Jason Mattingly