A new clinical trial is enrolling afib patients who, because of your doctor’s decision or your preference, are not currently taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner) to reduce the risk of clots and stroke. The LILAC – TIMI 76 trial will evaluate a monthly medication from a new class of anticoagulants. This clinical trial is recruiting …
People living with afib often ask if it is safe and effective to take blood thinners as “pill in the pocket” medications. We don’t have the answer yet. However, a new study seeks to answer that question. In the survey that many of you responded to in 2021, you expressed an interest in participating in …
A favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conferences for the past three years has been Professor Bianca Brundel, PhD, from the physiology department at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in The Netherlands. Dr. Brundel shared with us information on testing how toxic triggers drive afib progression and how …
StopAfib.org applauds the American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Association (AHA), American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), and Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) for the newly released 2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Learn …
This month, at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions held in Philadelphia, several important Afib Late-Breaking Clinical Trials were presented that I want to share with you. These include AZALEA, ARTESiA, and NOAH-AFNET 6. We have posted news stories about them, which you can access here: Afib News from the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions …
Since today is Giving Tuesday, we’re asking for your help. Giving Tuesday is the time of year when people around the world support what matters most to them. We’re not asking for donations for us but instead are asking for your support for patient-driven afib research. At the past two Get in Rhythm. Stay in …
Giving Tuesday is the time of year when people around the world support what matters most to them. That usually means giving donations to nonprofit organizations such as ours. But, we are not asking for donations for us. Instead, we are asking for your help in supporting afib research—patient-initiated and patient-driven afib research. Let me …
Giving Tuesday is the time of year when people around the world support what matters most to them. That usually means giving donations to nonprofit organizations such as ours. But, we are not asking for donations for us. Instead, we are asking for your help in supporting afib research—patient-initiated and patient-driven afib research. Let me …
A favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conferences for the past two years has been Professor Bianca Brundel, PhD, from the physiology department at the Amsterdam University Medical Center in The Netherlands. Dr. Brundel shared with us information on testing how toxic triggers drive afib progression and how …
It’s American Heart Month! Have you seen the new No Time to Wait public service announcements on TV this month? We are proud to be part of this campaign to raise awareness of atrial fibrillation during American Heart Month. To learn more about this campaign, see:For millions of US adults experiencing AFib symptoms, this is …