Managing Atrial Fibrillation
Medications are usually the first-line treatment for afib, though procedures are also becoming first-line treatments.
Additionally, we are learning about the extent to which lifestyle can affect how much afib you have and can play a role in the success of medications and procedures.
Finally, how do you ensure that you get the proper care? By creating an effective healthcare team, you can better ensure that you get the care you need.
Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm.®
Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference
Featuring World-Renowned Afib Experts
Get ReplaysMellanie True Hills
Founder & CEO,
Follow the links below to learn about managing afib through medications and lifestyle and how to create an effective healthcare team.
- Medication for Atrial Fibrillation is where you will learn about medications to control the heart rate and heart rhythm and prevent strokes.
- Lifestyle for Managing Atrial Fibrillation is where you will learn about the effect that lifestyle has on your risk for afib and decreasing the amount of it you have.
- Create an Effective Healthcare Team is where you will learn about how to create an effective healthcare team, do’s and don’ts for medical appointments, how to partner with your doctor to find a solution, and the role of caregivers in your care.
You Don't Have to Go It Alone was created for patients by patients to provide accurate information and genuine support for those affected by atrial fibrillation. Explore our online community and connect with other patients, families, and caregivers.