Although the total number of stroke deaths declined by more than 50 percent between 1978 and 2006, racial disparities in stroke deaths have remained and efforts to eliminate health disparities have been unsuccessful. Between ages 45 and 65, blacks are 2 to 3 times more likely to die from stroke than whites, but we haven’t …
Atrial fibrillation is the most common irregular heart rhythm that starts in the atria. While it is often a mere annoyance, it can also be responsible for life-threatening medical emergencies that result in cardiac arrest, stroke and sudden death. Take advantage of the opportunity to get your atrial fibrillation questions answered by afib experts from …
Updated 2-17-12: Thank you for coming to this link from a myriad of places (many of which we cannot delete our postings from). The survey is now complete and the link has been turned off. But since you have an interest in atrial fibrillation, we hope that you'll stick around and spend some time checking …
The wildly beating heart, fatigue and other debilitating symptoms are well known to the many millions of people impacted by atrial fibrillation. Some of those who have afib may have no outward symptoms, but are still at risk of serious and long-term damage to the heart. Symptoms or not, rate control is the common treatment … interviews Dr. Daniel Singer of Harvard Medical School. Find more information on this topic, and Dr. Singer, at: Dr. Singer led a symposium on atrial fibrillation stroke prevention at Boston Atrial Fibrillation Symposium 2012. In this video interview, Dr. Singer shared with information from that symposium. He provided an update on rivaroxaban … interviews Dr. Daniel Singer, of Harvard Medical School. Find more information on this topic, Dr. Singer, and a transcript of the interview, at: In this video interview, Dr. Singer discussed topics covered in the stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation symposium he moderated at the Boston AF Symposium 2011. The topics discussed included the …