Recently partnered with the Cleveland Clinic to give you a rare opportunity to chat live with three of their atrial fibrillation experts, Dr. Bruce Lindsay, Dr. Marc Gillinov, and Dr. David Van Wagoner who were joined by founder Mellanie True Hills. The transcript of our afib community chat with these atrial fibrillation experts …
While catheter ablation has been proven more effective at stopping atrial fibrillation than antiarrhythmic drugs, pulmonary veins may reconnect and atrial fibrillation may return, causing the catheter ablation to fail. At the recent Heart Rhythm Society meeting, Dr. Vivek Reddy, Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Services at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, presented clinical …
House Resolution 295 has just been introduced by's home district representative, Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX). We would like to thank Representative Granger for her support of the atrial fibrillation community. The AF Resolution encourages promotion of afib awareness, diagnosis, and treatment. To move the resolution out of committee and to the House floor for …
Data presented at the recent 2011 Heart Rhythm Society meeting in San Francisco regarding the effectiveness of catheter ablation for treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation suggests that multiple procedures may be needed. Dr. Thomas Rostock presented data on 395 patients (261 with persistent atrial fibrillation and 134 with longstanding persistent afib) who had stepwise ablation …
The Heart Rhythm Society has created a public service announcement, A-Fib Feels Like, that is designed to help afib patients and the public understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. What do you think about it? After watching it, please share your comments below. Watch: A-Fib Feels Like