Paid Study for Atrial Fibrillation Patients Who Have Had Cardioversion - For Patients. By Patients - Stop Atrial Fibrillation

watchLAB is hosting a market research study in Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and Seattle with Atrial Fibrillation patients who have experienced both chemical (IV) and electrical cardioversion, preferably in the past 2 years.

If you qualify, you will be invited to participate in a one hour interview or a small 1.5-hour group discussion to share your experiences.

In exchange for your time and opinions you will receive a cash honorarium:

  • $100 for 1-hour
  • $125 for 1.5 hours

The study will be conducted in:

  • Los Angeles on March 17th & 18th
  • Pittsburgh on March 22nd & 23rd
  • Seattle on March 24th or 25th

Your input will help a company with a new treatment to better serve afib patients like you.

For more information please call Tiffany Hays at (615) 403-0557, or e-mail her at [email protected]

Note: We are not compensated for posting this study.

2 Responses to Paid Study for Atrial Fibrillation Patients Who Have Had Cardioversion

  • Annette Clark says:

    Hi Melonie:
    We met in Ann Arbor at St. Joe Mercy a year ago at a seminar re: Mini Maxze.
    At that time I was back in sinus rhythm after cardio version 7 months prior and taking Multaq. I am now back in afib, since about November. Had cardioversion again 2 weeks ago, but it didn’t work. Dr. took me off Multaq, wants to put me on new drug called Tikosyn and cardiovert again. (3rd time) Said if that didn’t work then ablation therapy. Unfortunately, I don’t have a ton of faith in this Dr. I’m also off coumodin and on Pradaxa as of last week.
    I do have an appt. with a Dr. from St. Joe Mercy, but not til April 19th for a 2nd opinion. Hopefully, I can feel more secure with him than I do now.
    Thank you for all your hard work and effort to keep us informed. So glad you’re there.

  • charlie long says:

    I am 70 years old and have been in Afib for about a year. My heart rate remains at 72 beats per minute, blood pressure is 112-78, cholesteral is about 185. Weight is in normal range. I feel fine but I have been considering a cardioversion just to get my heart rate in normal beats per minute. Any suggestions on whether it makes sense.

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