Mellanie True Hills, founder of, recently spoke at the Fourth Annual Western Atrial Fibrillation Symposium. Many of her remarks to this medical conference are summarized in an article just published in EP Lab Digest. You may wish to share it with family and friends who need to understand what it's like to live with …
One of the most interesting things about atrial fibrillation is how geography—the location where you grew up, where you live now, and even where you visit—can affect your risk of atrial fibrillation and stroke. A fascinating map from the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) dramatically illustrates which parts of the country had …
We continue to learn more about the family connection in atrial fibrillation. A second gene was just found that increases the risk of afib and stroke. At least one third of those of European descent carry one copy of the newly-discovered variant in the ZFHX3 gene and have a 20% increase in risk of afib …
Do you ever wonder if your atrial fibrillation is linked to your parents or even your grandparents? It's worth thinking about the role of genetics in your afib. We recently talked about how atrial fibrillation may run in families. A new study has shown that yet another gene is involved in atrial fibrillation that runs …
Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered a genetic mutation that may be responsible for atrial fibrillation in families. They scanned the entire human genome and discovered a genetic mutation common to all family members with atrial fibrillation. Read more about this