Professor Dr. Bianca Brundel, from the Amsterdam University Medical Center in the Netherlands, is a favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in Rhythm ® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference each year. She is at the leading edge of practical basic science research for afib. At the conference, she provides updates on her afib patient-driven …
Will your Medicare drug plan cover your medications next year? It’s worth checking one last time before the December 7 enrollment deadline. We hear about formulary changes every year, especially among anticoagulants (blood thinners) and antiarrhythmic drugs. Some formularies stop covering medications that have been covered for years. If your plan drops your medications from …
Can GeranylGeranylAcetone (GGA) prevent Development of Atrial Fibrillation? December 1, 2024 Summary: The Patient-Funded GENIALITY Trial of GGA for preventing atrial fibrillation is ready to start recruiting. Reading time: 4–5 minutes Professor Dr. Bianca Brundel, from the Amsterdam University Medical Center in the Netherlands, is a favorite presenter at the Get in Rhythm. Stay in …
A new clinical trial is enrolling afib patients who, because of your doctor’s decision or your preference, are not currently taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner) to reduce the risk of clots and stroke. The LILAC – TIMI 76 trial will evaluate a monthly medication from a new class of anticoagulants. This clinical trial is recruiting …
People living with afib often ask if it is safe and effective to take blood thinners as “pill in the pocket” medications. We don’t have the answer yet. However, a new study seeks to answer that question. In the survey that many of you responded to in 2021, you expressed an interest in participating in …
Do you want to attend the Afib Patient Conference, but need some help financially? If you know you can benefit from attending the Get In Rhythm. Stay In Rhythm.® Atrial Fibrillation Patient Conference August 9-11 in Dallas and would like to apply for the Annual Judy Currier Scholarship—or, you’re already attending but would like to … is a member of the Partnership to Advance Cardiovascular Health (PACH) coalition. PACH is conducting a patient advocacy training program called the Cardiometabolic Leadership Academy, or CLA, for advocates across various cardiometabolic diseases, including afib. Patients will be taught how to raise their voices to advocate for open access to treatments. The CLA is …, joined by a task force of experts representing the nation’s leading cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery organizations, is calling for renewed efforts to address health disparities and improve care for people living with atrial fibrillation. Recognizing the need for more equitable care, convened the task force to develop a new call-to-action report, “Addressing Health …
We've worked with the NY Times and they now want to hear your experiences with PBMs (Pharmacy Benefits Managers). Have you been overcharged or had other issues with them? Please use this link to share your experience. Help us flood them with our stories about bad experiences with the PBMs! Thanks for your help. To your …