Join the VIBRANT-AF Study to improve catheter ablation effectiveness

August 31, 2023

  • Summary: The VIBRANT-AF Study will improve the effectiveness of catheter ablation
  • Reading time: 2 minutes

Do you plan to have an atrial fibrillation (afib) catheter ablation?

By joining the VIBRANT-AF Study before your catheter ablation, you can contribute your data to an effectiveness study that will improve the care of afib patients having catheter ablations. The study seeks to understand the factors that influence the success of an afib catheter ablation by making this procedure even safer and more effective. With your help, the researchers can achieve this goal. This global study is open to anyone having a catheter ablation anywhere.

The VIBRANT-AF study uses a mobile app. You’ll share your unique experiences by completing 10-minute weekly surveys on your mobile device over one year following your ablation. 

To join the study and contribute your data to improve the success of catheter ablations, do either of the following steps:

  1. Scan the QR code or
  2. Text JOINVIBRANT163 to (833) 258-7623 on your smartphone. (If prompted, your Study Key is JOINVIBRANT163.)

Join the VIBRANT-AF study today!