Atrial Fibrillation Resolution, H. Res. 295, Introduced in the US House of Representatives

June 6, 2011
- Summary: applauds the introduction of House Resolution 295 to promote atrial fibrillation awareness, diagnosis, and treatment
- Reading time: 2–4 minutes
House Resolution 295 was just introduced into the US House of Representatives by Representative Kay Granger (R-TX) along with co-introducers Representative Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) and Representative Charles Gonzalez (D-TX). has been working closely with the Heart Rhythm Society and other stakeholders on the introduction of this AF Resolution. This important resolution would raise awareness of atrial fibrillation, improve patient care and safety, and advance afib research and education.
“ applauds Representative Granger, our home district representative, for her commitment to focusing attention on atrial fibrillation,” said Mellanie True Hills, founder of and former afib patient. “Now we need help from the afib stakeholder community to gain enough co-sponsors in the House of Representatives to ensure that this important resolution makes it out of committee and to the House floor for a vote.”
Please help us get other members of Congress to sign on as sponsors. You can help by taking a moment to read the resolution below, and then register your support with your Congressional member using the tool at the bottom of this page. It takes only a minute or two and could ensure that this resolution makes it out of committee and receives a House vote.
Please note that the AF Resolution DOES NOT ask for any new funding. The resolution simply raises the priority of AF in the existing research and education funding allocation process. AF has always been overlooked in this process, while so many other diseases get far more than their fair share of funding because their advocates make their voices heard loud and clear in DC.
If you want us to ever find the cause of AF, and to find a cure, it’s time to make your voice heard, too.
1st Session
H. RES. 295
Promoting increased awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of atrial fibrillation to address the high morbidity and mortality rates and to prevent avoidable hospitalizations associated with this disease.
June 2, 2011
Ms. GRANGER (for herself, Mr. GONZALEZ, and Mr. RUPPERSBERGER) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Promoting increased awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of atrial fibrillation to address the high morbidity and mortality rates and to prevent avoidable hospitalizations associated with this disease.
Whereas atrial fibrillation is a cardiac condition when the usual coordinated electrical activity in the atria of the heart becomes disorganized and chaotic, hampering the atria’s ability to fill the ventricles with blood, and allowing blood to pool in the atria and form clots;
Whereas an estimated 2,500,000 Americans are living with atrial fibrillation, the most common ‘serious’ heart rhythm abnormality in people over the age of 65 years and is associated with an increased long-term risk of stroke, heart failure, and all-cause mortality, especially among women;
Whereas people over the age of 40 have a one-in-four risk of developing atrial fibrillation in their lifetime;
Whereas an estimated 15 percent of strokes are the result of untreated atrial fibrillation, a condition that dramatically increases the risk of stroke, approximately 5 times over the general population;
Whereas atrial fibrillation accounts for approximately 529,000 hospital discharges annually;
Whereas it is estimated that atrial fibrillation costs $3,600 per patient for a total cost burden in the United States of $15,700,000,000;
Whereas better patient and health care provider education is needed for the timely recognition of atrial fibrillation symptoms;
Whereas an electrocardiogram is an effective and risk-free screen for heart rhythm irregularities and can be part of a routine preventive exam;
Whereas there is a dearth of outcome performance measures that focus on the management of atrial fibrillation; and
Whereas evidence-based care guidelines improve patient outcomes and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations for individuals with undiagnosed atrial fibrillation and for patients once atrial fibrillation is detected: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Secretary of Health and Human Services should–
(1) enhance quality of care and patient safety by–
(A) advancing the development of process and outcome measures for the management of atrial fibrillation by national developers;
(B) supporting pilots and demonstration projects, including care transitions, support services, and appropriate postacute care, to reduce avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions for patients with atrial fibrillation; and
(C) facilitating the adoption of evidence-based guidelines by the medical community to improve patient outcomes;
(2) advance atrial fibrillation research and education by–
(A) encouraging basic science research to determine the causes and optimal treatments for atrial fibrillation;
(B) exploring development of a screening tool and protocols to determine the risk for the development of atrial fibrillation; and
(C) enhancing current surveillance and tracking systems to include atrial fibrillation; and
(3) improve access to appropriate medical care for patients suffering from atrial fibrillation by encouraging education programs that promote collaboration among the Federal health agencies and that increase public and clinician awareness of atrial fibrillation, including risk assessment, screening, treatment, and appropriate clinical management.
Register your support below with your Congressional member — a minute or two of your time will help us ensure that this resolution gets voted on in the House of Representatives.
Countdown to 100 House of Representatives Co-Sponsors
100–43 = 57 to go
- Rep. Kay Granger [R-TX12]
- Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger [D-MD2]
- Rep. Charles (Charlie) Gonzalez [D-TX20]
- Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA38]
- Rep. Raymond (Gene) Green [D-TX29]
- Rep. Lee Terry [R-NE2]
- Rep. James (Jim) Moran [D-VA8]
- Rep. Thomas Marino [R-PA10]
- Rep. Sanford Bishop Jr [D-GA2]
- Rep. Robert (Rob) Andrews [D-NJ1]
- Rep. C.W. Bill Young [R-FL10]
- Rep. Charles Rangel [D-NY15]
- Rep. Charles Dent [R-PA15]
- Rep. Peter (Pete) Sessions [R-TX32]
- Rep. Lou Barletta [R-PA11]
- Rep. David McKinley [R-WV1]
- Rep. Russ Carnahan [D-MO3]
- Rep. Ronald (Ron) Kind [D-WI3]
- Rep. Lloyd Doggett [D-TX25]
- Rep. David Price [D-NC4]
- Rep. C. Michael (Mike) Thompson [D-CA1]
- Rep. Bob Filner [D-CA51]
- Rep. Leonard Lance [R-NJ7]
- Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ10]
- Rep. Rodney Alexander [R-LA5]
- Rep. Charles Boustany, Jr [R-LA7]
- Rep. Betty McCollum [D-MN4]
- Rep. Michael Burgess [R-TX26]
- Rep. Michael McCaul [R-TX10]
- Rep. Tim Griffin [R-AR2]
- Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY18]
- Rep. Steven Rothman [D-NJ9]
- Rep. Silvestre Reyes [D-TX16]
- Rep. Steven LaTourette [R-OH14]
- Rep. Eleanor Norton [D-DC]
- Rep. Joseph Crowley [D-NY7]
- Rep. Rosa DeLauro [D-CT3]
- Rep. Robert Latta [R-OH5]
- Rep. David Rivera [R-FL25]
- Rep. Bobby Rush [D, IL-1]
- Rep. Edward Markey [D, MA-7]
- Rep. Thomas Latham [R, IA-4]
- Rep. Bilbray [R-CA50]