Stuck in the Middle: Afib Patients on Rate Control is January EP Lab Digest Patient Perspective Focus

Stuck in the Middle: Afib Patients on Rate Control is January EP Lab Digest Patient Perspective Focus

By Mellanie True Hills

  • Summary: The impact of rate control treatment on quality of life for atrial fibrillation patients is the focus of our January Patient Perspective column in EP Lab Digest.
  • Reading time: 4–6 minutes, which includes the article referenced

January 5, 2012 — In our January Patient Perspective column in EP Lab Digest, Stuck in the Middle: Afib Patients on Rate Control, we talk about what doctors and other clinicians need to know about the challenges of living on rate control medications (such as beta blockers). This includes the impact on quality of life and the potential long-term risks. Even though rate control is the recommended strategy in the afib guidelines, the article discusses some things doctors and patients may wish to consider when deciding on appropriate treatment for each individual patient.

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